An integral component in EDENS’ mission to enrich community through human engagement, art at our places activates an existing landscape to spark conversations and encourages people to authentically connect.
A collection of values and beliefs, identity is the cornerstone of feeling a sense of belonging to a place, to a culture, to a community — to a sum that is greater than the parts. Art helps us celebrate the differences that make up our world.
Like a language, it gives us a unifier to convey complex emotion. Through art, we can engage in thought-provoking conversations that bring us closer.
Throughout history, we have treated art in music, dance, writing and painting as a way to soothe and stimulate our minds, bodies and souls.
Art keeps us connected in real life, telling our stories across generations for a richer understanding of history. When we feel a part of something bigger than ourselves, prosperity follows – economically, socially, culturally and soulfully.